We wanted to improve our company’s structure and were full of hope and commitment. We had not expected so much resistance from our staff.
Changes in a company put both management and staff under a lot of pressure and confront them with many challenges. Which structures should be maintained, which ones should not? What impact will the changes have on the corporate culture? What fears and conflicts block the process?
An organization counseling session can plan transformation processes in such a way that a balance can be struck between stability and innovation. Communication is a significant factor here.
I can provide support regarding communication, for example by moderating executive committees, by coaching, developing a mission statement and mediating conflict. Concrete themes might include:
- Developing a vision for the company
- Analyzing the corporate culture and examining its resources
- Developing a unified management philosophy
- Dealing with resistance especially regarding transformation processes
- Dealing with conflict within team work
- Developing a distribution of tasks based on skills and competence